Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Popcorn Party

Thankfully the planted popcorn is nowhere near ready or I would be having a popcorn party today - it is that hot! An early release day even. 98 yesterday, maybe that hot again today. The new plants are sooooooo stressed.

Hydration is the word of the day!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Where did a month go????

So much has been happening in this past month during this busy growing season. Here are some highlights:

- Cool weather and over-wintered crops are harvested.
- Spring goodness - strawberries, sugar-snap peas, lettuces, and radishes are prolific.
- 5th grade has been buying produce from Real Food Farm and running their own Farm Stand.
- Trays of seedlings in the grow room.

Look for these goodies in this year's garden: Tomatoes, hot and sweet peppers, gourds, squash, sunflowers, eggplant, watermelon, okra (yup, I said it) sweet corn, herbs, black-eyed susan, lupine, marigolds and on and on are in the process of going in...

Stay tuned - more to come. Oh yeah, we could use a little rain, it is hot and dry!